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Hello and welcome to my teaching portfolio! I am 22 years old and graduated from Rutgers University as a mathematics major. I'm currently enrolled in the Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University pursuing my Masters of Education in Mathematics Education and will graduate in May 2018. Through this two year program, I will obtain my teaching certification where my goals revolve around teaching mathematics, with an interest in teaching Calculus. After getting some concrete experience teaching at a high school level, my personal academic goals revolve around eventually getting my Masters or Ph.D. in mathematics. Having this site will allow me to contribute any published papers I may write and will act as a collection of all the information I find relevant, interesting, or helpful in teaching and learning mathematics. I plan on having a major focus of my site be on resources related to mathematics with the ultimate goal of facilitating a successful career.
The audience for my website may range from possible employers, colleagues, mathematics students, or anyone with an interest in math. Employers and colleagues will find my website useful because it will contain information containing my educational background, such as my resume. My site will also exist as an efficient way for employers to view my personal career goals and values, giving some insight into who I am as a person as well as an educator. Students enrolled in math courses or anyone with similar interests may find my website useful because I plan on incorporating resources related to learning mathematics. I plan on incorporating any tools, resources, or websites I find relevant and useful towards teaching mathematics, so this could potentially be useful for my future students. I invite you to browse my site, learn about my passions, and explore what excites and interests you as well.

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